Monday, November 21, 2011

Journal 9: "Reading Redefined"

"Once upon a time, reading was as simple and straightforward as decoding words on a page.

No more. Digital age technologies have made such an impact on the way we interact with
content that the old definitions of reading and books no longer apply." (Lamb)

The article "Reading Redefined for a Transmedia Universe" by Annette Lamb allows readers to reflect on what is important to them and how they value technology versus the traditional method of reading. She defines "book" and "reading" very differently than they once were. Being redefined and having many new meanings through graphics, text, sounds, and even movements changes the definition of a book as we once knew it. "Constructing meaning from symbols" is what she defines a "book" today. With the technology boom there are new tools to help in the experience of reading and learning. Lamb really supports the students in being the next generation and puts a lot on them to transform the traditional so that they may "discover new ways to motivate digital age reading across the curriculum".

Q: In this digital age there is more technology than I could have ever imagined, is it bad or good, is it causing our students to suffer?

A: I do not believe that children suffer from the massive amounts of technology in the world. I believe that with moderation of book reading a "screen reading" students can learn mass amounts. The great thing about technology is that you have immediate access to books, texts, rather than having to wait for the library to open, or find a form of transportation to get there. The traditional form of books will never go away, imagine not having a new book smell or even an old one. I think that there is value in both forms, and learning will always happen.

Lamb, A. (2011). Reading redefined for a transmedia universe. Learning and Leading With Technology39(3), 12-17. Retrieved from

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